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A 70 year old female, semi-professional singer, diagnosed with pseudosulcus and left vocal fold paresis, before and
after 5 voice therapy sessions; this patient was able to return to performance singing after the conclusion of voice
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A 30 year old female and kindergarten teacher, diagnosed with vocal fold nodules; before and after 6 voice therapy sessions; this patient also underwent surgery to remove the nodule from her right true vocal fold
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A 34 year old female and homemaker, diagnosed with vocal fold nodules; before and after 7 voice therapy sessions
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An 82 year old female with a history of voice problems and multiple health issues, diagnosed with dysphonia, before and
after 5 voice therapy sessions
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A 66 year old male retiree, diagnosed with left vocal fold paresis; before and after 5 voice therapy sessions
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A 44 year old female and police radio dispatcher, diagnosed with bilateral, true vocal fold polypoid changes; before and after 4 voice therapy sessions, during which time she also underwent surgery to remove a benign lesion from her left vocal fold
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